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1912 Type 34
Period Images - 1913 Type 34A

For 1913, the mid-size car received the round cowl ventilators and covers over the rear spring mounts.
They also received electric headlights.
Apart from the shorter wheelbase, Type 34A can be distinguished from Type 54A by its 5-bolt front wheels.
The first deliveries of Type 34A were on Jun 17, 1912.

Click on a picture to see the full-sized image.

Indianapolis Star, Jun 3, 1912

Alan Woolf Collection

Alan Woolf Collection
Cheyenne, WY, Aug 4, 1912

Alan Woolf Collection

Courtesy of Tim Martin

Alan Woolf Collection

Courtesy of Johnnny Crowell

Some period photos show the gas headlights of the 1912 cars.
Mr & Mrs Kimball, May 30, 1914

Alan Woolf Collection

image source FaceBook

Existing cars
      ex Harrah
      ex Hurley
      ex Toney