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1910 Traveler
Period Images - 1911 Traveler
1912 Type 54

In 1911 the Traveler was finally fully enclosed.
The wheelbase was increased from 122" to 124".
The sidelights were updated to conical units.

Click on a picture to see the full-sized image.

1911 catalog

1911 catalog

Alan Woolf Collection

Minneapolis Tribune, Apr 14, 1912
1913, Alameda County

image source - eBay seller

Detroit Public Library

image source eBay seller

Courtesy of Johnny Crowell

Some period photos show the drum sidelights of the 1910 cars.
Dated July 1913, Owensboro, KY

Alan Woolf Collection

Alan Woolf Collection

Alan Woolf Collection
West side of Public Square, Mount Vernon, OH

image source unrecorded
Courtesy of Bob McAnlis

image source unrecorded
The following set of photos appears to all be of the same car, in the Detroit area.
Chauncey Hurlbut Memorial Gate, Detroit

Detroit Public Library

Detroit Public Library

Detroit Public Library

Detroit Public Library

Detroit Public Library
Advertisement based on the previous photo

Motor World, Jan 26, 1911

Motor World, Jan 26, 1911

This 1911 in Rhode Island has been mildly customized, with a one-piece windshield, expensive gas headlights, and an electric horn.

Providence Public Library

Providence Public Library

Providence Public Library

Existing cars
      1911 Traveler ex Larz Anderson
      1911 Traveler LA County